When was the last time you updated yours ?
No matter if it's for LinkedIn, Facebook or dating apps like Tinder, first impressions count! There are many reasons to update your Headshot, applying for a new job, a new position within your current company, a new hairstyle or it's been years since you did your last one.
With the presence and power of social media these days, quite often our headshot is the first image we see of someone. When you think about it, our headshot is everywhere, from Facebook to Whatts app, WeChat, Instagram, company websites. It's important that this represents who you are, in a professional manner.
I recently did a shoot with Steve Bruce, Steve is a Professional LinkedIn Trainer / Coach and SME Marketing consultant. Steve has written an interesting piece on his experience and why it's important to have a Professional Headshot taken from a Professional Photographer. Steve also used Photofeeler.com to asses his headshot, as you will see, he got his best results ever.
Click the link below to read the full article and some tips for your next headshot!
“So here are the results and I’m delighted with them!”

As a special offer, the first ten bookings to mention this blog will receive 20% OFF your first headshot session, for more details email info@christiaanhart.com
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